Can children with squint eyes be cured?

- Cross-eyes can occur from birth or may develop within 6 months. It is caused by a central nervous system disorder that affects the eye muscles, or it can be caused by infection, measles, sinusitis, or Edwards syndrome.
- Cross-eyes cause less use of that eye, leading to lazy eye. If left untreated, it can lead to blindness in that eye.
- In cases where children have strabismus that cannot be treated with other methods, it is recommended to undergo surgery to correct strabismus before the age of 2 years and no later than 5 years so that the brain can process vision normally.
Strabismus is one of the most common eye conditions in children, affecting 2-4% of children worldwide and usually affecting children in the first 3 years of age. Strabismus is a problem in which both eyes do not look in the same direction. One eye may look straight ahead, while the other eye looks in, out, up or down. It can change from one eye to the other. Children may be born with strabismus, or it may develop later in life. It can also be caused by an accident or other health problems. Some children have strabismus intermittently, while others have it all the time.
Parents may think that strabismus will disappear on its own as the child grows up and will not have any negative effects on vision. But in reality, strabismus has serious effects and can cause blurred vision or what is called “ lazy eye ”. Which is caused by less use of the affected eye, making it unable to see three-dimensional images and judge depth.
They can be categorized according to the characteristics or direction of the eyes as follows:
- Crossed Eyes (Esotropia) is a condition in which the eyes move inward around the bridge of the nose. It is the most common type found โปรโมชั่น ufabet in children from birth to 6 months, when the eyes are not yet fully developed. If after 6 months the child still has crossed eyes, it is considered an eye abnormality and requires treatment.
- Exotropia is a horizontal squint in which the eyes move sideways. It mostly occurs in adults because the muscles at the top of the eye are weak and cannot pull the pupil inward.
- Hypertropia is a vertical squint that is very rare and is caused by abnormal eye muscles from birth or abnormal muscle development, as well as by accidents.
- Cross-eyed (Hypotropia) is caused by the axis of vision looking down all the time. It usually occurs in older children or adults, but is very rare.
What are the effects of strabismus in children?
- Blurred vision, double vision, unclear vision
- Tired eyes
- The eye movements are not synchronized and do not look in the same direction.
- Unable to correctly predict near and far distances
- If left untreated, vision will eventually be lost.
How to notice squinting in children
- Observe the symmetry with the naked eye.
- Use light. Take pictures using a flash. The reflection in the picture must be in the center of both pupils. However, if one side that is not in the center of the flash light is not in the center, it means that there is a squint.
- Test your vision by looking at small objects that are 6 meters or more away. If you see double vision, you may have squint. Then close one eye at a time. If one eye is very blurry, cannot focus, or cannot see, it is considered to have squint.
- In the case of young children who are not yet able to communicate, it may be necessary to observe their behavior, such as whether they squint, tilt their neck, or turn to the side to look at things. However, observing squinting in infants and young children can be difficult. If parents are suspicious, they should see a doctor for diagnosis.