Having good health may not necessarily be create

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Having good health may not necessarily create through grand behaviors

ordinary behaviors that we make into habits can create good health, such as drinking water after waking up or chewing food thoroughly before swallowing. Because good health can created as a habit. 

1. Don’t let your head get cold. 

When you have to go out in the early morning or on a cold day, keep your head warm by wearing a hat. If you don’t keep your head warm in the morning, you will get sick from the cold.

2. Avoid staying in cold places for long 

periods. Staying in a cold and humid room for a long time, such as a dark room with air conditioning on for a long time or sitting in a humid area for a long time, will cause excessive cold and humidity. Therefore, you should open the window to let some soft sunlight shine into the room.

3. Change clothes immediately when they are soak in sweat 

When you feel that your body is soak in sweat and your clothes are damp, change clothes immediately because in low temperature weather, the pores will wide open, making it easier for diseases from outside to enter. Not only moisture from sweat. But also moisture from water droplets, such as clothes that are wet from the rain, even if it is only slightly damp, you should change them.

4. Do not wear clothes that have been dried in the sun until they are slightly 

damp. Too much cold makes the body at risk of disease. The same goes for heat. Do not wear clothes that have been dried in the sun immediately. Wait for the clothes to cool down before wearing them because clothes that have been exposed to heat from strong sunlight will have heat toxins accumulated in the fabric.

5. Avoid turning on lights or lamps while sleeping. 

Turning on lights, whether natural light or light from โปรโมชั่น ufabet a light bulb. Including light from screens that not properly turned off, will disturb the state. Which the body is receptive to energy, affecting the mind while sleeping and affecting the quality of sleep.

As you can see, these 5 small habits in daily life are all related to our daily environment, including temperature, air, and light, which can easily adjusted in our homes. They also have a huge effect on our health, and not only have a positive effect on our bodies, but also on our minds and emotions.